SAP Systems

SAP Systems Help

You need to remember: SAP is a system where everything you perform is registered and integrated. A wise National Manager always finished relevant meetings (at my last project) with the following words:

"Good news is SAP is integrated and everything is kept in records, bad news is SAP is integrated and everything is kept in records". 

Yes, at first glance it might not make much sense, but we should always keep these words in mind. Many times we are facing difficulties in the system; but we might forget that everything has a record and if we analyze deeply the behavior of the transactions and these records, there is a large chance that we will solve our problem (sooner or later, and yes, just be sure it is aligned with finance dates to make things less messy).

We are not alone. The chance of someone in the project, at another Plant or Warehouse, or even in another company that has faced the same situation, is high. So let´s use our resources wisely and proactively and try to keep track of the problems and the found solution. We never know when they will be relevant for us or for others in the project or at work.

This is my first contribution to this Network, hopefully you find the reading pleasant and inspirational. I am pleased to be part of ERPFixers and of course, I will be glad to help solve your issue(s).